Working for Lab team, building cloud native apps, helping them to eliminate the barriers holding other teams back and make innovative ideas make sense to develop.
Worked for Factory team, Built website apps using frameworks such as Spring and Hibernate Frameworks, helped them to build IVR OUT CALL application that provides operators companies ability to provide Corporate users a platform to create campaign and broadcast advertisements to a predefined list of subscribers.
Worked for Android team, I participated in building Noor app that offers many features that the fasting person needs during the month of Ramadan.
Developing many projects using Laravel Framework, Spring Framework in backend side and React js, Angular 1.x in frontend side.
I graduated with excellent degree (3.50/4.00) from the university of Yarmouk Private with BSc in Software Engineering. It is an interdisciplinary scientific area focusing on the application of advanced computing, information and communication technologies to engineering.
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